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  EFnet Global Kill Stats   
  This page displays all (logged) global kill messages.

North America: 11
Europe: 10

ratbox: 21

Channels: 4922
Operwalls: 386297
Kills: 89351

Oper Killee Kill Time Kill Reason
Randy cleantwat 14/08/2020 22:40 i avoid twats at all cost.
Ancient efsnable 13/08/2020 09:13 no you dont
zi JFK 13/08/2020 02:13 *gropes back*
nyt notgyoza 12/08/2020 12:22 SUPPLIES
nyt gyoza 12/08/2020 12:13 no
nyt gyoza 12/08/2020 12:12 ffs go away
alexs SaraAB87N 12/08/2020 05:44 dirty cunt
tau TiK 11/08/2020 07:14 no one cares about your buzz you insensitive
tau jilt 11/08/2020 06:51 re-revenge
nyt tau 11/08/2020 03:51 abuse
tau jilt 11/08/2020 03:07 oh shit, a heavy ZING
strtok zumthing 10/08/2020 20:36 LATE) BIRTHDAY!
AndroSyn beatdown^ 10/08/2020 03:48 <beatdown^> well i managed to get most
of sdf g-lined from efnet
AndroSyn ^_^ 09/08/2020 20:04 hurB
gmh felon 08/08/2020 11:06 happy birthday bro!
ayzee dabhoi 08/08/2020 03:39 get lost
tau TiK 07/08/2020 04:54 pX protection activated
ayzee Jenny 06/08/2020 03:30 diaf
[k] Movieguy 06/08/2020 01:16 stop spamming
korozion Mr|Dave| 05/08/2020 23:54 Spam
AndroSyn Audasity 05/08/2020 22:15 confused now?
korozion moondance 05/08/2020 18:54 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
AndroSyn Swayze 05/08/2020 18:34 don't highlight me
alexs thero 05/08/2020 02:58 YES
stevoo vigilant 04/08/2020 20:06 .
doug surveyor 04/08/2020 19:22 ghost
doug surveyor 04/08/2020 19:22 ghost
alexs grateful 03/08/2020 03:29 uncalled for
AndroSyn HSH 02/08/2020 00:57 dongs
remorse efudd 01/08/2020 08:26 ohhhhhhh shit happy mother fucks mother
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