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  EFnet Global Kill Stats   
  This page displays all (logged) global kill messages.

North America: 11
Europe: 10

ratbox: 21

Channels: 4922
Operwalls: 386297
Kills: 89351

Oper Killee Kill Time Kill Reason
alexs Gay69 16/07/2020 03:21 HI MY NAME IS BRIERE AND IM A BIG DOUCHE.
AndroSyn Darn 15/07/2020 18:37 where's my motherfucking bread?
alexs SaraAB87N 15/07/2020 06:43 <No reason given>
AndroSyn eefer 15/07/2020 02:42 we know
AndroSyn Audasity 15/07/2020 02:41 NO U
AndroSyn eefer 15/07/2020 01:25 that's assburgers to you
AndroSyn Swayze 15/07/2020 01:24 i can do this, the other guy can't
PsyMastre PsyMaster 14/07/2020 08:56 <No reason given>
zi cpet 14/07/2020 03:00 *punches back*
enty phigan 11/07/2020 21:41 .
korozion elon_musk 10/07/2020 22:56 spam
zi Civil_ 05/07/2020 03:39 TEST6
zi Civil_ 05/07/2020 03:39 TEST5
zi Civil_ 05/07/2020 03:38 TEST4
zi Civil_ 05/07/2020 03:38 TEST2
zi Slimey 05/07/2020 03:13 $*#&(!*&($*@&!
scrim astro| 04/07/2020 10:08 SPAM
tau vixen 03/07/2020 00:40 thanks for holding this
tau vixen 03/07/2020 00:40 thanks for holding this
tau vixen 03/07/2020 00:39 thanks for holding this
tau vixen 03/07/2020 00:39 thanks for holding this
tau vixen 02/07/2020 22:42 thanks for holding this
tau vixen 02/07/2020 22:42 thanks for holding this
tau vixen 02/07/2020 22:39 thanks for holding this
tau vixie 02/07/2020 22:36 thanks for holding this
tau vixie 02/07/2020 22:36 thanks for holding this
tau vixie 02/07/2020 22:36 thanks for holding this
tau vixie 02/07/2020 22:36 thanks for holding this
tau vixie 02/07/2020 22:36 thanks for holding this
tau vixie 02/07/2020 22:36 thanks for holding this
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