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  EFnet Global Kill Stats   
  This page displays all (logged) global kill messages.

North America: 11
Europe: 10

ratbox: 21

Channels: 4922
Operwalls: 386297
Kills: 89351

Oper Killee Kill Time Kill Reason
AndroSyn infox 04/06/2020 19:38 OPERTITS
perplexa xc 04/06/2020 00:12
doug muslimm 02/06/2020 01:16 shoo
doug muslimm 02/06/2020 01:08 shoo
wof muslimm 02/06/2020 00:56 fuck off
tau TiK 30/05/2020 01:33 helping you get away from all this toxicity
AndroSyn deceit 28/05/2020 23:48 *FUCKED*
gmh user 27/05/2020 01:47 happy belated birfday from gh0st
tau fro 26/05/2020 03:38 kill voucher redeemed.
stevoo SweedDish 25/05/2020 04:47 plz no more eye diarrhea ok thx
stevoo SweedDish 25/05/2020 04:17 HERROW
doug ghj 24/05/2020 23:18 jihad
HndlWCare jeeves 23/05/2020 03:02 knock it off
tau nem 23/05/2020 02:54 how about now
tau butcha 23/05/2020 02:53 happy birthday!
nyt tau 22/05/2020 20:32 happy belated bday remorse
remorse pX 22/05/2020 01:13 HAPPY MOTHER FUCKS MOTHER FUCKER!!!
tau pX 21/05/2020 22:54 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
nyt remorse 21/05/2020 18:52 happy bday px
remorse narcolept 21/05/2020 05:52 aweeee shit mother fuckah#$$#!@$!#@$!@
time to get crunk!!
nyt remorse 21/05/2020 05:51 happy bday narco
tau narcolept 20/05/2020 20:53 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
AndroSyn quan__ 20/05/2020 02:23 kissing ass will do you no good, either
AndroSyn Hatred 20/05/2020 02:19 AI is going to kill us all
AndroSyn Darn 20/05/2020 02:19 you're a bad man, don't pee in the splash
AndroSyn quan__ 20/05/2020 02:18 no we're not
AndroSyn deceit 20/05/2020 02:18 ok
AndroSyn Hatred 20/05/2020 02:17 SURPRISE?!
AndroSyn Hatred 20/05/2020 02:16 YOU HAVE BEEN SLAPPED WITH A LARGE TROUT
AndroSyn wicked 19/05/2020 20:25 keep your sickness to yourself
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